

2024-11-06 句子素材 0
友 谊 的 名 言 英 语

1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." - 时穷见真情。
2. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." - 友谊是将世界团结在一起的唯一黏合剂。
3. "A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." - 朋友就是那种了解你并依然爱你的人。
4. "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." - 真正的朋友是那种认为你是好蛋,尽管他知道你有点碎裂的人。
5. "True friends are the ones who come between you and your own reflection when you're in danger of losing yourself." - 真正的朋友是在你有失去自我危险时,挡在你和自己影子之间的那些人。
6. "A friend is one who has the patience to listen to all your bullshit." - 朋友就是那个有耐心听你全部废话的人。
7. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." - 友谊是将世界团结在一起的唯一黏合剂。
8. "Without friends, life is only a toolkit awaiting a carpenter." - 没有朋友,生活就只是一个等待木匠的工具箱。
9. "A friend to all is a friend to none." - 对所有人都是朋友的朋友,对任何人都不是真正的朋友。
10. "True friendship isn't about being inseparable; it's about being separable and still being friends." - 真正的友谊并不是不可分离,而是即使可以分离,还是能够成为朋友。
11. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - 世界上最好的和最美丽的事情无法被看到或触碰到 - 它们只能用心去感受。
12. "The highest form of charity comes not from the purse, but from the heart." - 最高的慈善形式不是从钱包,而是从心而来。
13. "It's not about how many friends you have, but the quality of them." - 不在于你有多少朋友,而在于他们的质量。
14. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." - 朋友是那个知道你心中的歌并能在你忘记歌词时唱给你听的人。
15. "Friendship is like money. A little can go a long way, but too much can do a lot of damage." - 友谊就像钱。一点可以带来长远影响,但太多则会造成严重损害。

1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." - 在朋友需要帮助时展现的友情最为珍贵。例如,你在失业期间,朋友为你的生活提供经济支持和职业建议,这是真正的友谊。
2. "Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together." - 友谊是维系全球团结的基石。例如,不同文化、国家和地区通过国际友谊和文化交流,共同面对挑战和庆祝成就,显示了友谊的力量。
3. "A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." - 了解你并接受你所有的优点和缺点。例如,你和你的朋友,尽管你有时冲动、有时懒惰,但朋友仍然欣赏并珍惜你的真实自我。
4. "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." - 朋友就是那些即使知道你有小缺点也依然欣赏你的人。例如,你的朋友知道你偶尔会犯小错误,但仍然觉得你是一个值得信赖和爱的人。
5. "True friends are the ones who come between you and your own reflection when you're in danger of losing yourself." - 在你迷失自我时,真正的朋友会站出来,帮助你找回真正的自我。例如,当你在压力下迷失方向时,朋友鼓励你追求自己的热情和兴趣,帮助你重新找回自信。
6. "A friend is one who has the patience to listen to all your bullshit." - 耐心倾听你所有烦恼的人。例如,当你有心事时,朋友愿意花时间倾听,给予理解和支持,而不是立即提供解决方案。
7. "Without friends, life is only a toolkit awaiting a carpenter." - 没有朋友的生活就像一堆未被组装的工具。例如,当生活中遇到困难时,没有朋友的指导和帮助,你会感觉没有方向,无法解决某些问题。
8. "A friend to all is a friend to none." - 对所有人都是朋友的朋友,对任何人都不是真正的朋友。例如,你可能认识很多人,但他们可能都不太了解你,而真正的朋友会花时间去了解并支持你。
9. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - 最美好的事物无法被眼睛或手触及,它们只能用心去感受。例如,与朋友共度的笑声和快乐,是无法用言语或物质衡量的。
10. "True friendship isn't about being inseparable; it's about being separable and still being friends." - 真正的友谊不在于永不分离,而在于即使分开也能保持友谊。例如,朋友因为工作或学业去到不同的城市,尽管相隔遥远,但依然通过定期通信和视频通话保持联系。
11. "It's not about how many friends you have, but the quality of them." - 友谊的质量远比数量重要。例如,一个真正的朋友能够为你提供支持、鼓励和建议,帮助你成长,而不仅仅是社交网络中的联系人。
12. "The highest form of charity comes not from the purse, but from the heart." - 最高的慈善来源于内心而非金钱。例如,你可能会为慈善机构捐赠金钱,但如果你帮助朋友度过难关,或是鼓励他人克服挑战,这种内在的善意和慷慨也是慈善的一种表现。
13. "A friend is someone who has the patience to listen to all your bullshit." - 朋友是那个有耐心听你所有废话的人。例如,当你的朋友在你的长篇大论中,静静地听你倾诉,即使你的想法可能并不成熟或合理,他们依然愿意陪伴和支持你。
14. "Friendship is like money. A little can go a long way, but too much can do a lot of damage." - 友谊就像金钱,小量的投入可以带来长远的好处,但过量的投入可能会带来负面影响。例如,过度依赖朋友解决问题,而不是自己寻找答案,可能会削弱你的独立性和解决问题的能力。







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