

2024-11-05 句子素材 0
南 丁 格 尔 名 言 语 录

1. "I am not in the least afraid of death. I should like to die over and over for my country."
2. "I am one of those who will always speak the truth if I can, and of the rest I have nothing to say."
3. "I will never say to anybody, 'I am too busy for this patient.'"
4. "I do not believe in education without purpose. The purpose of education is action, not knowledge. You cannot have action without knowledge, but you can have knowledge without action."
5. "If you cannot feed the many with the means at your command, at least see that they do not go hungry."
6. "Nursing is not a means of living, it is a means of living for something."
7. "We do not expect to find life perfect. We must be prepared to make sacrifices and to understand that if we have the courage to sacrifice the life that is only our own, we may be given a share in the building of a better life for all."
8. "Not to see the sufferings of our fellow men and to pass them by is a sin and not to give them the help they need is an omission which will weigh heavily on our conscience."
9. "I am not the slightest bit afraid of death. I should like to die over and over for my country."
10. "To do the common thing uncommonly well is the real art of life."

### 使用和例句
1. **"I am not in the least afraid of death. I should like to die over and over for my country."**
2. **"I am one of those who will always speak the truth if I can, and of the rest I have nothing to say."**
3. **"I will never say to anybody, 'I am too busy for this patient.'"**
4. **"I do not believe in education without purpose. The purpose of education is action, not knowledge. You cannot have action without knowledge, but you can have knowledge without action."**
5. **"If you cannot feed the many with the means at your command, at least see that they do not go hungry."**
6. **"Nursing is not a means of living, it is a means of living for something."**
7. **"We do not expect to find life perfect. We must be prepared to make sacrifices and to understand that if we have the courage to sacrifice the life that is only our own, we may be given a share in the building of a better life for all."**
8. **"Not to see the sufferings of our fellow men and to pass them by is a sin and not to give them the help they need is an omission which will weigh heavily on our conscience."**
9. **"I am not the slightest bit afraid of death. I should like to die over and over for my country."**
10. **"To do the common thing uncommonly well is the real art of life."**







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