

2024-10-25 句子素材 0
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Italo Calvino, an Italian writer known for his surreal and imaginative stories, has left a legacy of insightful and thought-provoking quotes. Here are a few of his famous quotes:
1. "If a book doesn't seem to be going anywhere, put it aside. It’s not your street."
2. "Life is an endless supply of little surprises and unexpected events. We must never feel completely safe."
3. "There are books that you do not immediately understand, that, as it were, write on a different page than your own. You think that you have understood them, that they have not spoken to you in riddles, and then you reread them and they begin to speak to you in riddles, and this is when you know that the book is not simple."
4. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something——a thought, a phrase, an image——that starts up a flood of other ideas in your mind, making the current one seem rich with possibilities, a gateway to a new way of thinking."
5. "The imagination is a fragile thing, like a bird. It needs a soft bed of small branches to rest on, to allow its wings to heal."
6. "The happiness of the reader is the test of the success of the writer."
7. "Imagination is a dangerous thing. But it's the only thing that isn't dangerous."
8. "Fiction is a language that allows us to speak about things that are not only in our hearts but in our minds."
9. "What is more important in life than being among those who love you?"
10. "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
These quotes reflect Calvino's playful yet profound view on life, literature, and the imagination.

以下是Italo Calvino的10条著名引述的解释及其使用示例:
1. **"If a book doesn't seem to be going anywhere, put it aside. It's not your street."**
- **使用方法**:在阅读过程中,如果发现自己对书中的内容不感兴趣或难以理解,可以选择将其搁置,寻找更适合自己的书籍。
- **示例**:如果你正在阅读一本关于古希腊历史的书籍,但发现很难跟上叙述节奏或对所描述的时间背景感到困惑,不妨将它暂时搁置,转而阅读一本更感兴趣的文学作品。
2. **"Life is an endless supply of little surprises and unexpected events. We must never feel completely safe."**
- **使用方法**:提醒我们在生活中保持警觉,随时准备应对各种突如其来的变化。
- **示例**:在规划一次海外旅行时,不要过于依赖计划,因为总是会有不可预见的情况发生,比如天气变化、航班延误或当地突发的公共事件。
3. **"There are books that you do not immediately understand, that, as it were, write on a different page than your own. You think that you have understood them, that they have not spoken to you in riddles, and then you reread them and they begin to speak to you in riddles, and this is when you know that the book is not simple."**
- **使用方法**:鼓励深入阅读,理解一些作品可能需要多次阅读和深入思考。
- **示例**:在阅读《1984》这样的经典小说时,第一次可能不会完全理解乔治·奥威尔的反乌托邦愿景,但通过多次阅读,你会开始理解其深层含义和对现代世界的隐喻。
4. **"The best moments in reading are when you come across something——a thought, a phrase, an image——that starts up a flood of other ideas in your mind, making the current one seem rich with possibilities, a gateway to a new way of thinking."**
- **使用方法**:强调阅读激发创造性思考的重要性。
- **示例**:阅读《人类简史》时,你可能会对作者的观点感到共鸣,进而思考历史、人类行为和未来发展方向,激发对人类社会的独特见解。
5. **"Imagination is a fragile thing, like a bird. It needs a soft bed of small branches to rest on, to allow its wings to heal."**
- **使用方法**:提醒我们创造性和想象力需要适当的支持和环境来茁壮成长。
- **示例**:在构思一个新的故事或创意项目时,保持开放的心态和丰富的知识积累,就像为小鸟提供温暖的环境和足够的资源,以促进创造力的生长。
6. **"The happiness of the reader is the test of the success of the writer."**
- **使用方法**:作为评价文学作品成功与否的一个标准。
- **示例**:评价一本小说时,可以考虑读者的反馈和满意程度,这是判断作品是否具有吸引力和共鸣度的关键。
7. **"Imagination is a dangerous thing. But it's the only thing that isn't dangerous."**
- **使用方法**:平衡对想象的欣赏和对潜在风险的警觉。
- **示例**:在撰写科幻小说时,创造力的发挥可能引领角色和故事情节走向出人意料的方向,但同时也要确保这些想象在道德和现实的框架内。
8. **"Fiction is a language that allows us to speak about things that are not only in our hearts but in our minds."**
- **使用方法**:强调小说作为探索人类内心和思想的独特媒介。
- **示例**:通过阅读《麦田里的守望者》这样的作品,我们能够深入理解青少年心理,以及孤独、自我认同和成人世界对年轻人的影响。
9. **"What is more important in life than being among those who love you?"**
- **使用方法**:强调人际关系在生活中的重要性。
- **示例**:在忙碌的工作和日常生活中,与家人和朋友保持紧密联系,可以提供情感支持和幸福感,这是生活中的宝贵财富。
10. **"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."**
- **使用方法**:以幽默的方式提醒我们对时间流逝的主观感受。
- **示例**:在安排一天的日程时,可以适时地为自己安排一段“午餐时间”,以享受与世隔绝的宁静时光,即使它在时间的感知上并不真实,这样的小憩也可以提高工作效率和生活质量。







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