尽管没有特定的“海明威名言”列表,不过杰克·伦敦、厄内斯特·海明威等名字被混淆了。厄内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)是美国著名的作家和记者,以其独特的文学风格著称。以下是厄内斯特·海明威的一些广为流传的名言:1. "I have never been much with the words. The only ones I know are 'Yes' and 'No'." - 我并不特别善于言辞。我唯一知道的词就是“是”和“不是”。2. "Between the shell and the bird is a big void, full of wind and space." - 在鸟和炮弹之间是一个巨大的空间,充满了风和空旷。3. "Life breaks us all, but afterwards, many of us feel stronger." - 生活击垮我们所有人,但之后,许多人感到更坚强。4. "Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated." - 人不是为了被打败而存在的。一个人可以被摧毁,但不能被打败。5. "A writer is a person who writes." - 作家是一个写字的人。6. "You are only young once, but you can be immature all your life." - 你只有一次青春,但你可以一生都保持幼稚。7. "I write to be read, and I write to be read tomorrow, and read the day after, and as long as that as possible." - 我写是为了被阅读,为了明天被阅读,为了后天被阅读,尽可能长久地被阅读。8. "If a book isn't worth stealing, it isn't worth reading." - 如果一本书不值得偷,那它也不值得读。9. "Writing, to me, is simply finding out what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling about life, the universe, and everything else - so that when I come to the end of my life, I will know that at least I have tried to figure it all out." - 对我而言,写作就是找出我在想什么,我对于生命、宇宙以及其他一切的感受——这样在我生命的尽头,我至少会知道我曾尝试弄明白这一切。这些名言展现了海明威对于人生、写作以及人性的深刻见解和态度。
用法:这句话 "Writing, to me, is simply finding out what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling about life, the universe, and everything else - so that when I come to the end of my life, I will know that at least I have tried to figure it all out." 表达了写作对于海明威来说的个人意义。他认为,写作不仅是把文字记录下来,更是深入探索自我意识、对生命、宇宙及其他所有事物的理解与感受的过程。通过写作,人们能在生命的终点回顾一生,确认自己至少尝试过理解这个复杂的世界。例子:李华一直对写作充满热情,她不仅仅是为了表达自己内心的情感或想法,更希望通过写作去深入挖掘和理解生命的意义、社会的复杂性以及人性的多样性和深度。在写作的过程中,她发现自己的思绪与情感得到了梳理,对于周围世界和自己的内心世界有了更深刻的认识。尽管她并不确定自己是否能完全理解所有的一切,但她确信,通过写作,她至少在努力尝试理解这个世界,这个过程本身就是她生命中的一份宝贵财富。