

2024-08-06 句子素材 0
不 怀 好 意 造 句

1. "Tom's behavior towards Jane was always so vague, it seemed like he had some not so good intentions."
2. "The deal made by John and Sarah might look beneficial on the surface, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that John had some not so noble intentions."
3. "His eyes darted around nervously as if he were hiding something, making me suspicious of his not so innocent motives."
4. "When she asked for my password, I had a bad feeling she might have some not so honest intentions."
5. "I noticed he was avoiding eye contact and fidgeting a lot during our conversation, it made me think he might have some not so sincere intentions."
6. "The politician's sudden change of stance on the environmental bill made me wonder if there were not so noble intentions behind it."
7. "The smile she gave me seemed a bit forced, and I couldn't help but suspect she had some not so friendly intentions."
8. "I felt uneasy about lending the money to him, as his reasons sounded somewhat murky and not so trustworthy."
9. "It was evident that his promise to help was not entirely genuine, as his intentions seemed rather dubious."
10. "His offer to assist was too good to be true, which made me suspicious of his not so altruistic intentions."
11. "The lawyer's eagerness to take my case seemed a bit too eager, making me question his not so straightforward intentions."
12. "When the friend asked me to go with them without giving a clear reason, I had a feeling they might have some not so innocent intentions."
13. "He was always trying to get me to join his exclusive group, and I had a hunch his intentions were not entirely benevolent."
14. "She hinted at possible favor in exchange for my cooperation, which made me wonder about her not so honorable intentions."
15. "The art critic's overly positive review of the artist's work struck me as a bit odd, given her known biases, hinting at not so pure motives.

### 用法与创作例子
#### 1. "Tom's behavior towards Jane was always so vague, it seemed like he had some not so good intentions."
**用法:** 此句描述了Tom与Jane之间的互动缺乏明确性,暗示他可能有不良目的。
**例子:** 当Tom与Jane说话时,他总是闪烁其词,这种含糊其辞的行为让人怀疑他背后可能有不怀好意的意图。
#### 2. "The deal made by John and Sarah might look beneficial on the surface, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that John had some not so noble intentions."
**用法:** 虽然表象看似有利可图,但通过这种表述强调了John在协议背后可能有不那么高尚的目的。
**例子:** 尽管约翰和莎拉的交易表面上看起来对双方都有利,但我总是觉得约翰背后可能藏着某种不那么高尚的目的。
#### 3. "His eyes darted around nervously as if he were hiding something, making me suspicious of his not so innocent motives."
**用法:** 通过描述人物的紧张眼神,暗示其可能隐藏了不纯正的动机。
**例子:** 当他在房间内走动时,他的眼睛不断地四处扫视,似乎在躲避某样东西,这让我怀疑他背后可能有不纯正的意图。
#### 4. "When she asked for my password, I had a bad feeling she might have some not so honest intentions."
**用法:** 通过人物的请求行为,表达了对方可能隐藏不诚实的意图。
**例子:** 当她突然要求我提供密码时,我内心感到不安,怀疑她可能有不那么诚实的目的。
#### 5. "I noticed he was avoiding eye contact and fidgeting a lot during our conversation, it made me think he might have some not so sincere intentions."
**用法:** 描述人物的非语言信号,暗示可能隐藏着不真诚的意图。
**例子:** 在我们的对话中,他频繁地避视和摆弄手指,这让我怀疑他可能有不那么真诚的动机。
#### 创作例子列表
为了完整呈现所要求的内容,下面提供了一个基于上述模板的创作例子列表,每个例子都遵循了“描述情况 + 提示可能不纯正意图”的模式:
1. **商店顾客的奇怪行为** - "每次他试图在收银台前挑三拣四,我都觉得他可能有某种不怀好意的意图。"
2. **邻居的突然热情** - "当她开始频繁地拜访,且总是询问一些过于私人的信息时,我怀疑她背后可能有不那么友善的目的。"
3. **同事的突然疏远** - "自从他被晋升为项目经理,他就不再和我们一起吃午餐了,我猜测他可能在掩藏一些不那么坦诚的动机。"
4. **朋友的迟疑答复** - "她对我的邀请总是闪烁其词,总是让我感觉她背后可能有不那么诚恳的想法。"
5. **陌生人的求助** - "当他焦急地请求帮助时,他不安的眼神让我觉得他的请求背后可能藏着某种不那么善良的目的。"







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